A growing collection of projects on the side.  

Trump Posters
Original posters with Eva the cat from a calligraphy retreat in Portland, one of which was published in Forum Magazine, the literary publication of City College of San Francisco.

The German language and Fraktur calligraphy bond particularly well together. Schottenfreude has a great collection of other German words for the human condition.

Laws for Creations 
This piece, preserved in molten beeswax, was created in Meredith Klein’s Gothicized Italic class. The line is from Laws for Creations by Walt Whitman, whose poetry lends itself well to this style of calligraphy. 

Wedding Invites
Calligraphy for wedding invites is truly a labor of love. 

Signage for The Olive & Vine
I made this sign for The Olive & Vine, my friend Kim’s specialty food shop in Northern Portland. 

Type Drawings in Indigo Blue
I love Prismacolor’s Col-Erase pencils and always have a few sharpened and within reach. I am particularly fond of their Indigo Blue.

Branding & Identity
Custom type illustrations of two of my many loves. The hand-drawn script is based on Maximiliano Sproviero‘s Reina.  

Phases: A Typeface
A collaboration with Olivia.

It is up to us to trump them.